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IB PHYSICS HL1 Weekly Agenda and Notes: 2015-16

Page history last edited by Anonymous 8 years, 4 months ago


AP PHYSICS 1 EXAM: Noon Tuesday, 3 May 2016 at Shir Tikvah




6 - 10 June 2016


"Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability."

-Sam Keen


"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want."

-Calvin (Bill Watterson)


“A perfect day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawnmower is broken.”

-James Dent



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(I can...


Monday, 6th

(no notes: no class)


Periods: Advisory, 2, 4, 6

Tuesday, 7th


Periods: 1, 3, 5, 7

-Final Project Presentations


  • present some memetastic physics! 
Wednesday, 8th



Thursday, 9th      
Friday, 10th      



30 May - 3 June 2016


"Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times."

-Napoleon Hill


"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

-Thomas Alva Edison



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(I can...


Monday, 30th

(no notes)

Tuesday, 31st continue work on final project     
Wednesday, 1st L&D: Special & General Relativity     

Thursday, 2nd

(no notes: sub)

continue work on final project     
Friday, 3rd  Presentations of final project
  •  amaze my peers with physics!
 DUE: Final Project



23 - 27 May 2016


"And now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here."

-Neil Gaiman



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(I can...

Monday, 23rd continue work on final project     
Tuesday, 24th continue work on final project     
Wednesday, 25th

continue work on final project


Thursday, 26th continue work on final project     
Friday, 27th

Senior final project presentations

Seniors' Last Day! 

  • Wow my peers with Science! 



16 - 20 May 2016


"I don't want to learn in a classroom anymore...School has stolen my passion for the things I'm interested in, and I hate it for that."




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(I can...


Monday, 16th

(sub: no notes)

Valleyfair Field Trip

be @ 49th St 8:05ish

w/ student ID

-continue work on final project

Tuesday, 17th video: "Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?"
  • summarize and evaluate scientific arguments
-video sheet (due Thursday)   
Wednesday, 18th video: "Mythbusters: Moon Myths"      -video sheet (due Thursday
Thursday, 19th Fishbowl on Moon Landings   
  • effectively communicate and defend scientific conclusions 
DUE: two video sheets  
Friday, 20th 3D printing demo (thanks to Sonja's dad!)     



9 - 13 May 2016


"One had to cram all this stuff into one's mind for the examinations, whether one liked it or not. This coercion had such a deterring effect on me that, after I had passed the final examination, I found the consideration of any scientific problems distasteful to me for an entire year."

-Albert Einstein



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(I can...

Monday, 9th -choose and begin work on final project    Final Project (due 27 May for seniors, and 6 June for juniors
Tuesday, 10th -continue work on final project     
Wednesday, 11th -continue work on final project     

Thursday, 12th

(no notes)

-continue work on final project     
Friday, 13th -continue work on final project     



2 - 6 May 2016


"If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a day."

-John Archibald Wheeler



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(I can...

Monday, 2nd Review of Final Exam     

Tuesday, 3rd

(no notes: no class)


NOON - 3:30ish

Shir Tikvah

bring pencils or

dark blue/black pen 

  • remember all the things! 
  • get $1855 worth of college credit for only $40!!

Coffee @ Bull Run

8:30 - 10:00

Brunch @ Curran's 

10:00 - 11:30ish 

Wednesday, 4th

-write advice for next year's students


Thursday, 5th

-textbook return

-solar panel "field trip"


Friday, 6th

(no notes)

-independent experimentation



25 - 29 April 2016


"A physicist is an atom's way of knowing about atoms."

-George Wald



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(I can...

Monday, 25th MC QUIZ (part of 3rd practice exam) 
  • ensure the happiness of my future self 
Tuesday, 26th FR QUIZ (part of 3rd practice exam)     
Wednesday, 27th Review cont'd     
Thursday, 28th


-90 min: 50 questions

-Eq'n Sheet provided

-your own calculator 

  DUE: MC 3rd practice exam 


Friday, 29th


-90 min: 5 questions

-Eq'n Sheet provided

-your own calculator 

  DUE: FR 3rd practice exam  



18 - 22 April 2016


"A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read."

-Mark Twain



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(I can...

Monday, 18th Review of DC Circuits (Chaps 19 and 22)   DUE: 1st practice AP Exam 
Tuesday, 19th L&D: Structure of AP Physics 1 Exam and AP problem types   2nd practice AP Exam (due Friday
Wednesday, 20th class time to work on 2nd practice exam     
Thursday, 21st

class time to work on 2nd practice exam

(key with explanations & scoring guidelines given at end of class)

Friday, 22nd class time to work on 2nd practice exam    

DUE: 2nd practice AP Physics 1 Exam

DUE: VF permission slip and $$ (no extensions)



11 - 15 April 2016


“Twinkle, twinkle little star

I don’t wonder what you are

For by the spectroscopic ken

I know you are hydrogen.”

-Lewis Fry Richardson



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(I can...

Monday, 11th

The Reading of the Learning Objectives

-receive 1st practice AP Exam 

  • remember all the things! 
1st practice AP Exam (due Monday

Tuesday, 12th

(sub: no notes)

class time to work on 1st practice AP exam     
Wednesday, 13th Review of Translational & Rotational Kinematics & Dynamics (Chaps 2,4,5,6,10,11) and MC practice    
Thursday, 14th Review of Gravity, Energy, & Momentum (Chaps 7,8,9,12) and MC practice     
Friday, 15th Review of SHM & Waves (Chaps 13 & 14) and MC practice     



4 - 8 April 2016


"You can always become better."

-Tiger Woods



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(I can...

Monday, 4th

L&D: Diffraction & Interference

online lesson: Interference and Diffraction

mini-Lab: Squinting

  • Describing the effect of slit width on the diffraction pattern
  • Determining the position of first interference minimum
  • Qualitatively describing single-slit diffraction patterns produced from white light and from a range of monochromatic light frequencies
  • Qualitatively describing two-slit interference patterns, including modulation by one-slit diffraction effect
  • Investigating Young’s double-slit experimentally
  • Sketching and interpreting intensity graphs of double-slit interference patterns
  • Solving problems involving the diffraction grating equation 

Read 28-1 to 28-6 (-3-5)

MP (due Friday)

Tuesday, 5th LAB: Investigating diffraction patters qualitatively    
Wednesday, 6th class time for MP     
Thursday, 7th LAB: Investigating Young's double-slit    
Friday, 8th

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz

Take home Test 



Take-home Test (due Monday when you walk into class, no exceptions



beginning of 4th quarter


end of 3rd quarter


21 - 25 March 2016


"So the universe is not quite as you thought it was. You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then. Because you certainly can't rearrange the universe."

-Isaac Asimov (thanks for this quote Annie)



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(I can...

Monday, 21st

-L&D: Sound Effects

-online lessons: Standing WavesDoppler ShiftInterference and Diffraction


6.D.1.1: Use representations of individual pulses and construct representations to model the interaction of two wave pulses to analyze the superposition of two pulses.

6.D.2.1: Analyze data or observations or evaluate evidence of the interaction of two or more traveling waves in one or two dimensions (i.e., circular wave fronts) to evaluate the variations in resultant amplitudes.

6.D.3.2: Predict properties of standing waves that result from the addition of incident and reflected waves that are confined to a region and have nodes and antinodes.

6.D.3.4: Describe representations and models of situations in which standing waves result from the addition of incident and reflected waves confined to a region.

6.D.4.1: Challenge with evidence the claim that the wavelengths of standing waves are determined by the frequency of the source regardless of the size of the region.

6.D.4.2: Calculate wavelengths and frequencies (if given wave speed) of standing waves based on boundary conditions and length of region within which the wave is confined, and calculate numerical values of wavelengths and frequencies. Examples should include musical instruments.

6.D.5.1: Use a visual representation to explain how waves of slightly different frequency give rise to the phenomenon of beats.

Tuesday, 22nd

finishing L&D...

class time for MP 

Wednesday, 23rd

-mini-LAB: estimate speed of sound in air

-class time for MP 

Thursday, 24th

Qs on MP? 

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 14-6 to 14-9 
Friday, 25th NO SCHOOL!     



"We do not see the lens through which we look."

-Ruth Benedict


14 - 18 March 2016



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(I can...

Monday, 14th

finishing L&D

class time for MP



Tuesday, 15th


ACT/PLAN testing day 

Juniors: main gym by 8:15 a.m.

Bring #2 pencils and a calculator

class time for MP

Wednesday, 16th LAB: Waves (gizmo)   DUE: Gizmo sheet 
Thursday, 17th

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 14-1 to 14-5 (14-3
Friday, 18th LAB: Doppler Shift (Gizmo)  6.B.5.1 Create or use a wave front diagram to demonstrate or interpret qualitatively the observed frequency of a wave, dependent upon relative motions of source and observer

DUE: Gizmo packet

Read 14-6 to 14-9

MP (due Wednesday 



7 - 11 March 2016


"Magnetism is one of the Six Fundamental Forces of the Universe, with the other five being Gravity, Duct Tape, Whining, Remote Control, and the Force That Pulls Dogs To The Groins Of Strangers."

-Dave Barry



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(I can...

Monday, 7th

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 23-1 to 23-5 
Tuesday, 8th Review for Test     
Wednesday, 9th Review for Test     

morning review

Thursday, 10th

TEST: Electromagnetism

-Chaps 22 & 23

-3" x 5" notecard

-AP eq'n sheet with supplement

-your own calculator 

Friday, 11th

L&D: Intro to Waves

online lessons: Wave BasicsTraveling Waves  

6.A.1.1 Use a visual representation to construct an explanation of the distinction between transverse and longitudinal waves by focusing on the vibration that generates the wave

6.A.1.2 Describe representations of transverse and longitudinal waves

6.A.2.1 Describe sound in terms of transfer of energy and momentum in a medium and relate the concepts to everyday examples

6.A.3.1 Use graphical representation of a periodic mechanical wave to determine the amplitude of the wave

6.A.4.1 Explain and/or predict qualitatively how the energy carried by a sound wave relates to the amplitude of the wave, and/or apply this concept to a real-world example

6.B.1.1 Use a graphical representation of a periodic mechanical wave (position versus time) to determine the period and frequency of the wave and describe how a change in the frequency would modify features of the representation

6.B.2.1 Use a visual representation of a periodic mechanical wave to determine wavelength of the wave

6.B.4.1 Design an experiment to determine the relationship between periodic wave speed, wavelength, and frequency and relate these concepts to everyday examples

Read 14-1 to 14-5

(skip -3)

MP (due Thursday




29 February - 4 March 2016


We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

-Oscar Wilde



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(I can...

Monday, 29th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

Tuesday, 1st 

-L&D: "So, current causes B-fields...what about the other way around?"

-online lesson: Electromagnetic Induction (skip section 4) 

  • Understand emfmagnetic fluxmagnetic flux linkageFaraday’s law of induction, & Lenz’s law
  • Describe the production of an induced emf by achanging magnetic flux and within a uniform magnetic field
  • Solve problems involving magnetic flux, magnetic flux linkage and Faraday’s law
  • Explain Lenz’s law through the conservation of energy  
Read 23-1 to 23-5, MP (due Friday Monday
Wednesday, 2nd  finish L&D    

Thursday, 3rd

(no notes)

LAB: Superconductors and low temperature lactose    
Friday, 4th  class time for MP     



22 - 26 February 2016


"Nnoooo...not the magnet!"




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(I can...


Monday, 22nd 

(sub: no notes)

class time for MP and/or Lab Report 

  • Determine the direction of force on a charge moving in a magnetic field
  • Determine the direction of force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field
  • Sketch and interpret magnetic field patterns
  • Determine the direction of the magnetic field based on current direction
  • Solve problems involving magnetic forces, fields, current and charges 

Read 22-1 to 22-4, 22-6,

MP (due Friday Monday


Tuesday, 23rd

(sub: no notes)

class time for MP and/or Lab Report 
  DUE: gizmo sheet
Wednesday, 24th 

L&D: Magnetic Fields, pff...

-online lessons: Forces on Moving Charges,

Forces on Current-carrying Wires,

Fields of Long Wires  

  DUE: Formal Lab Report on Light Bulb Resistance (Turnitin.com)  
Thursday, 25th 

L&D cont'd

class time for MP

Friday, 26th 

class time for MP & structured play




15 - 19 February 2016


"Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do, but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it."

-Albert Einstein



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(I can...


Monday, 15th

(no notes

 NO SCHOOL!     
Tuesday, 16th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 21-4 to 21-6 
Wednesday, 17th 

mini-LAB: Resistivity of conductive play-doh

mini-LAB: Verification of Kirchoff's rules

  DUE: Kirchoff lab sheet 
Thursday, 18th  Review for Test     

morning review

Friday, 19th 

TEST: Electrostatics and Circuits (Chaps 19 & 21) 

-3" x 5" notecard

-AP eq'n sheet

-your own calculator




8 - 12 February 2016


"But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special."

-Stephen Hawking



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(I can...

Monday, 8th 

cont;d L&D: How to deal with more than one resistor in a circuit 

mini-LAB: Determining resistivity of a material

1.B.1.2 Make predictions, using the conservation of electric charge, about the sign and relative quantity of net charge of objects or systems after various charging processes, including conservation of charge in simple circuits.
1.E.2.1 Choose and justify the selection of data needed to determine resistivity for a given material.
5.B.9.1 Construct or interpret a graph of the energy changes within an electrical circuit with only a single battery and resistors in series and/or in, at most, one parallel branch as an application of the conservation of energy (Kirchhoff's loop rule).
5.B.9.2 Apply conservation of energy concepts to the design of an experiment that will demonstrate the validity of Kirchhoff's loop rule in a circuit with only a battery and resistors either in series or in, at most, one pair of parallel branches.
5.B.9.3 Apply conservation of energy (Kirchhoff's loop rule) in calculations involving the total electric potential difference for complete circuit loops with only a single battery and resistors in series and/or in, at most, one parallel branch.
5.C.3.1 Apply conservation of electric charge (Kirchhoff's junction rule) to the comparison of electric current in various segments of an electrical circuit with a single battery and resistors in series and in, at most, one parallel branch and predict how those values would change if configurations of the circuit are changed.
5.C.3.2 Design an investigation of an electrical circuit with one or more resistors in which evidence of conservation of electric charge can be collected and analyzed.
5.C.3.3 Use a description or schematic diagram of an electrical circuit to calculate unknown values of current in various segments or branches of the circuit.
Tuesday, 9th 

brief L&D: Kirchoff's loop rule

class time for MP 

Wednesday, 10th  LAB: Resistance of a Light Bulb    Formal Lab Report (due Friday, 19 Feb Tuesday, 23 Feb)
Thursday, 11th 

brief L&D: Internal Resistance of a Battery

class time for MP

Parent-Teacher Conferences

4:30 - 8:00 p.m.


Friday, 12th

(no notes

Parent-Teacher Conferences

8:00 a.m. - Noon





1 - 5 February 2016


"There are three kinds of men. The one who learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence by themselves."

-Will Rogers



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(I can...

Monday, 1st 

L&D: Practical everyday electricity, or at least closer to it...

-online lesson: Current, Resistance and Power, sections 2 & 5 are "for fun" :)  

1.B.1.2 Make predictions, using the conservation of electric charge, about the sign and relative quantity of net charge of objects or systems after various charging processes, including conservation of charge in simple circuits.

5.C.3.2 Design an investigation of an electrical circuit with one or more resistors in which evidence of conservation of electric charge can be collected and analyzed.
5.C.3.3 Use a description or schematic diagram of an electrical circuit to calculate unknown values of current in various segments or branches of the circuit.

Read 21-1 to 21-3, MP (due Thursday)

Tuesday, 2nd 

brief L&D: Power corrupts...

class time for MP 

Wednesday, 3rd 

mini-Lab: determining resistivity of play-doh 

class time for MP

1.E.2.1 Choose and justify the selection of data needed to determine resistivity for a given material.   
Thursday, 4th 

Qs on MP?


  DUE: MP  
Friday, 5th 

L&D: How to deal with more than one resistor in a circuit

-online lesson: Circuits w/ Batteries and Resistors (skip section 6) and Capacitors in Circuits (skip sections 2 & 3)


Read 21-4 to 21-6, MP (due Tuesday, 16 Feb)



25 - 29 January 2016


"The more we're governed by idiots and have no control over our destinies, the more we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible."

-Alan Rickman



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(I can...

Monday, 25th 

-L&D: "What holds our world together?"

-online lesson: Electric Charges and Coulomb's Law    

1.B.1.1 Make claims about natural phenomena based on conservation of electric charge.
1.B.2.1 Construct an explanation of the two-charge model of electric charge based on evidence produced through scientific practices.
1.B.3.1 Challenge the claim that an electric charge smaller than the elementary charge has been isolated.
3.A.2.1 Represent forces in diagrams or mathematically using appropriately labeled vectors with magnitude, direction, and units during the analysis of a situation.
3.C.2.1 Use Coulomb's law qualitatively and quantitatively to make predictions about the interaction between two electric point charges (interactions between collections of electric point charges are not covered in Physics 1 and instead are restricted to Physics 2).
3.C.2.2 Connect the concepts of gravitational force and electric force to compare similarities and differences between the forces.
5.A.2.1 Define open and closed systems for everyday situations and apply conservation concepts for energy, charge, and linear momentum to those situations.  

Read 19-1 to 19-3,     

MP (due Thursday)

Tuesday, 26th 

mini-LAB: Sticky Interactions

brief L&D: Materials

Wednesday, 27th  class time for MP
Thursday, 28th 

brief L&D: Adding vectors

LAB: Pith Ball (gizmo)

  lab sheet (due at end of class)  
Friday, 29th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz  

  DUE: MP 19-1 to 19-3  



18 - 22 January 2016


"Well begun is half done."




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(I can...


Monday, 18th

(no notes


Tuesday, 19th

(no notes)

NO SCHOOL!!     
Wednesday, 20th Review for Test on Rot. Mech.    
Thursday, 21st 

Review for Test on Rot. Mech.


Friday, 22nd

morning review

TEST on Chaps 10 & 11

-Rotational Mechanics

-3" x 5" notecard

-AP Eq'n sheet

-your own calculator






beginning of 3rd quarter

end of 2nd quarter



11 - 15 January 2016


"I've heard a rumour from Ground Control. Oh no, don't say it's true."

David Bowie



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(I can...

Monday, 11th  class time for MP and Lab Report     
Tuesday, 12th  class time for MP and Lab Report     

Wednesday, 13th

(no notes)

NO CLASS!     
Thursday, 14th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 11-5 to 11-8, and Lab Report
Friday, 15th  NO SCHOOL!     



4 - 8 January 2016


"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better [person]."

-Benjamin Franklin



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(I can...

Monday, 4th 

L&D: From whence comes alpha?(Torque)

online lesson:

Torque and Rotational Statics  

  Read 11-1 to 11-3, MP (due Thursday
Tuesday, 5th  LAB     
Wednesday, 6th  class time for MP     
Thursday, 7th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 11-1 to 11-3 
Friday, 8th 

L&D: Angular acceleration and momentum

online lesson: Ang. Mom. 

3.F.2.1 Make predictions about the change in the angular velocity about an axis for an object when forces exerted on the object cause a torque about that axis.

3.F.3.1 Predict the behavior of rotational collision situations by the same processes that are used to analyze linear collision situations using an analogy between impulse and change

of linear momentum and angular impulse and change of angular momentum.

3.F.3.2 In an unfamiliar context or using representations beyond equations, justify the selection of a mathematical routine to solve for the change in angular momentum of an object caused by torques exerted on the object.

4.D.1.1 Describe a representation and use it to analyze a situation in which several forces exerted on a rotating system of rigidly connected objects change the angular velocity and angular momentum of the system.

4.D.2.1 Describe a model of a rotational system and use that model to analyze a situation in which angular momentum changes due to interaction with other objects or systems.

4.D.3.1 Use appropriate mathematical routines to calculate values for initial or final angular momentum, or change in angular momentum of a system, or average torque or time during

which the torque is exerted in analyzing a situation involving torque and angular momentum.

5.E.1.1 Make qualitative predictions about the angular momentum of a system for a situation in which there is no net external torque.

5.E.1.2 Make calculations of quantities related to the angular momentum of a system when the net external torque on the system is zero.

5.E.2.1 Describe or calculate the angular momentum and rotational inertia of a system in terms of the locations and velocities of objects that make up the system. Do qualitative reasoning with compound objects. Do calculations with a fixed set of extended objects and point masses. 
Read 11-5 to 11-8, MP (due Wednesday, 13 Jan)



14 - 18 December 2015


"With luck, it might even snow for us."

-Haruki Murakami



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(I can...

Monday, 14th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 10-1 to 10-4 
Tuesday, 15th  L&D: "A rolling stone gathers no moss, but it gains a certain polish" (Oliver Herford)
  • explain the origin of the concept of rotational inertia
  • apply and analyze the rotational inertia of an object
  • analyze the motion of rolling without slipping by applying conservation of energy
Read 10-5 to 10-6, MP (due Friday
Wednesday, 16th  LAB: Moment of Inertia (Gizmo    
Thursday, 17th  class time for MP     

Friday, 18th


Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 10-5 to 10-6 



7 - 11 December 2015


"Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave."

-Baron Henry Peter Brougham



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(I can...

Monday, 7th  Review for Test     
Tuesday, 8th 

TEST: Gravity and SHM

-Chapters 12 & 13

-3" x 5" notecard

-AP eq'n sheet

-your own calculator 

Wednesday, 9th  L&D: Spinny Things (Rotational Kinematics) 
  • connect rotational variables to linear variables
  • compare and contrast rotational motion with linear motion
  • analyze rolling motion 
Read 10-1 to 10-4, MP (due Monday)
Thursday, 10th 

brief L&D: Relating linear and angular quantities

LAB: Direct Measurement Videos

Falling Disk

Falling Hoop

Falling Bicycle Wheel

Friday, 11th 

LAB cont'd

class time for MP 




30 November - 4 December 2015


"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."

-Carl Sagan



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(I can...

Monday, 30th 

L&D: Bouncy Things

-online lessons: Simple Harmonic MotionMass on a Spring

(skip section 5: Resonance),

Pendulum & Other Oscillations 

(skip section 4: Damped Oscillations)  

Tuesday, 1st  class time for MP      
Wednesday, 2nd  LAB: Clockmaking     
Thursday, 3rd 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz  

  DUE: MP 13-1 to 13-6 
Friday, 4th 

student Survey

review for TEST: Gravity and Bouncy Things (Chaps 12&13)




23 - 27 November 2015


"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted"

-Albert Einstein



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(I can...

Monday, 23rd 

Qs on MP?


  DUE: MP 12-3 to 12-5 
Tuesday, 24th  LAB: Bouncy things (video analysis)   

3.B.3.1 Predict which properties determine the motion of a simple harmonic oscillator and what the dependence of the motion is on those properties.

3.B.3.2 Design a plan and collect data in order to ascertain the characteristics of the motion of a system undergoing oscillatory motion caused by a restoring force.

3.B.3.3 Analyze data to identify qualitative or quantitative relationships between given values and variables (i.e., force, displacement, acceleration, velocity, period of motion, frequency, spring constant, string length, mass) associated with objects in oscillatory motion to use that data to determine the value of an unknown.

3.B.3.4 Construct a qualitative and/or a quantitative explanation of oscillatory behavior given evidence of a restoring force. 

Read 13-1 to 13-6 (skip the last half of -6, "the physical pendulum")

MP (due Thursday)

Wednesday, 25th  NO SCHOOL!    
Thursday, 26th  NO SCHOOL!!    
Friday, 27th  NO SCHOOL!!!    



16 - 20 November 2015


"I can calculate the motion of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people."

-Isaac Newton (Solar System)



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(I can...

Monday, 16th  AP practice problem     AP practice problem (due at end of class
Tuesday, 17th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 12-1 to 12-2 
Wednesday, 18th 

L&D: Kepler's Laws

online lesson: Orbits of Planets and Satellites,

(just smile & nod at the derivations, focus on Kepler's Laws, Ug, and orbital velocity) 

3.C.1.2 Use Newton's law of gravitation to calculate the gravitational force between two objects and use that force in contexts involving orbital motion (for circular orbital motion only in Physics 1).   Read 12-3 to 12-5, MP (due Monday
Thursday, 19th 

L&D continued

class time for MP 

Friday, 20th 

LAB: Kepler's Laws

  lab sheet (due at end of class)  



9 - 13 November 2015


"Before I came here I was confused about this subject. Having listened to your lecture I am still confused. But on a higher level."

-Enrico Fermi



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(I can...

Monday, 9th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 9-5 to 9-6  
Tuesday, 10th  Review for Test     

morning review

Wednesday, 11th 

TEST: Chaps 7, 8, & 9     
Thursday, 12th 

L&D: "Gravity with a BIG G!"    

online lesson: Newton's Law of Gravity  


2.B.2.1 Apply g=G M/r^2 to calculate the gravitational field due to an object with mass M, where the field is a vector directed toward the center of the object of mass M. 

2.B.2.2 Approximate a numerical value of the gravitational field (g) near the surface of an object from its radius and mass relative to those of the Earth or other reference objects.

3.C.1.1 Use Newton's law of gravitation to calculate the gravitational force the two objects exert on each other and use that force in contexts other than orbital motion. 

Read 12-1 to 12-2, MP (due Tuesday)  
Friday, 13th  class time for MP       



2 - 6 November 2015


"The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction, when it could be turned into momentum."

-Frances Willard



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(I can...

Monday, 2nd  pre-Lab: Crash!    
Tuesday, 3rd 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 9-1 to 9-4 
Wednesday, 4th 

LAB: Crash!

online lesson: 


5.D.1.3 Apply mathematical routines appropriately to problems involving elastic collisions in one dimension and justify the selection of those mathematical routines based on conservation of momentum and restoration of kinetic energy. 

5.D.1.5 Classify a given collision situation as elastic orinelastic, justify the selection of conservation of linear momentum and restoration of kinetic energy as the appropriate principles for analyzing an elastic collision, solve for missing variables, and calculate their values.

5.D.2.1 Qualitatively predict, in terms of linear momentum and kinetic energy, how the outcome of a collision between two objects changes depending on whether the collision is elastic or inelastic.

5.D.2.5 Classify a given collision situation as elastic or inelastic, justify the selection of conservation of linear momentum as the appropriate solution method for an inelastic collision, recognize that there is a common final velocity for the colliding objects in the totally inelastic case, solve for missing variables, and calculate their values.

Read 9-5 to 9-6, MP (due Monday
Thursday, 5th  LAB: Crash! (continued)      
Friday, 6th  class time for MP      DUE: Crash! lab packet 



beginning of 2nd quarter 

end of 1st quarter


26 - 30 October 2015


"What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning."

-Werner Heisenberg



(click for Notes



(I can...

Monday, 26th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 8-1 to 8-4 
Tuesday, 27th 

L&D: "It's a fish-eat-fish world"

online lessons: Momentum & Impulse

3.D.1.1 Justify the selection of data needed to determine the relationship between the direction of the force acting on an object and the change in momentumcaused by that force.

3.D.2.1 Justify the selection of routines for the calculation of the relationships between changes in momentum of an object, average force, impulse, and time of interaction.

3.D.2.2 Predict the change in momentum of an object from the average force exerted on the object and the interval of time during which the force is exerted.

3.D.2.3 Analyze data to characterize the change in momentum of an object from the average force exerted on the object and the interval of time during which the force is exerted.

4.B.2.1 Apply mathematical routines to calculate the change in momentum of a system by analyzing the average force exerted over a certain time on the system.

4.B.2.2 Perform analysis on data presented as a force-time graph and predict the change in momentum of a system. 

Read 9-1 to 9-4

MP 9-1 to 9-4 (due Tuesday

Wednesday, 28th 

egg toss

class time for MP



Thursday, 29th

(no notes


Friday, 30th

(no notes

NO SCHOOL!!     



19 - 23 October 2015


"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."

-Carl Sagan



(click for Notes



(I can...

Monday, 19th 

LAB: How does ______ affect Work done by Air Resistance?

Projectile Motion

  partial formal lab report (due Friday)
Tuesday, 20th 

-Qs on MP?

-HW Quiz  

  DUE: MP 7-1 to 7-4 
Wednesday, 21st 

L&D: "Liberal and Conservative Forces" 

online lessons:

-Conservative Forces and Potential Energy,

-Conservation of Energy  

4.C.1.1 Calculate the total energy of a system and justify the mathematical routines used in the calculation of component types of energy within the system whose sum is the total energy.

4.C.1.2 Predict changes in the total energy of a system due to changes in position and speed of objects or frictional interactions within the system.

4.C.2.2 Apply the concepts of Conservation of Energy and the Work-Energy theorem to determine qualitatively and/or quantitatively that work done on a two-object system in linear motion will change the kinetic energy of the center of mass of the system, the potential energy of the systems, and/or the internal energy of the system.

5.A.2.1 Define open and closed systems for everyday situations and apply conservation concepts for energy [...] to those situations.

5.B.1.2 Translate between a representation of a single object, which can only have kinetic energy, and a system that includes the object, which may have both kinetic and potential energies.

5.B.3.1 Describe and make qualitative and/or quantitative predictions about everyday examples of systems with internal potential energy.

5.B.3.2 Make quantitative calculations of the internal potential energy of a system from a description or diagram of that system.

5.B.3.3 Apply mathematical reasoning to create a description of the internal potential energy of a system from a description or diagram of the objects and interactions in that system.

5.B.4.1 Describe and make predictions about the internal energy of systems. 

Read 8-1 to 8-4,

MP (due Monday)

Thursday, 22nd  class time for MP & Lab Report      

Friday, 23rd

(no notes)

class time for MP & Lab Report    DUE: partial formal lab report 



12 - 16 October 2015


"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing."

-Wernher von Braun



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(I can...

Monday, 12th 

L&D: "Power tends to corrupt"

online lessons: Work and Work-Energy Theorem & Power 

3.E.1.1 Make predictions about the changes in kinetic energy of an object based on considerations of the direction of the net force on the object as the object moves. 

3.E.1.2 Use net force and velocity vectors to determine qualitatively whether kinetic energy of an object would increase, decrease, or remain unchanged.

3.E.1.4 Apply mathematical routines to determine the change in kinetic energy of an object given the forces on the object and the displacement of the object.

5.B.5.3 Predict and calculate from graphical data the energy transfer to or work done on an object or system from information about a force exerted on the object or system through a distance.

5.B.5.5 Predict and calculate the energy transfer to (i.e., the work done on) an object or system from information about a force exerted on the object or system through a distance. 

Read 7-1 to 7-4, MP (due Tuesday, 20 Oct)  
Tuesday, 13th 

LAB: Effect of Air Resistance on Motion

Parent-Teacher Conferences

4:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Main Gym

No appt. necessary 


Wednesday, 14th

(no notes)


Parent-Teacher Conferences

8:00 - Noon in classrooms

No appt. necessary  


Thursday, 15th

(no notes

NO SCHOOL!!     

Friday, 16th

(no notes)

NO SCHOOL!!!      



5 - 9 October 2015


"The simplest schoolboy is now familiar with truths for which Archimedes would have sacrificed his life."

-Ernest Renan



(click for Notes



(I can...

Monday, 5th  class time for MP       
Tuesday, 6th  LAB: Tension in Toy Aircraft String  
  • design and perform an experiment
  • clearly communicate experimental results 
Partial & informal lab write-up (due Wed.)  
Wednesday, 7th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz  

  DUE: MP 6-3 to 6-5  
Thursday, 8th  Review for Test      
Friday, 9th 

TEST: Chaps 5 & 6

-3"x5" card & calculator

-AP Eq'n sheet provided 




28 September - 2 October 2015


"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is."

-Yogi Berra (misattributed?)



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(I can...

Monday, 28th  L&D: Newton's Nemesis (Friction), and Strings & Springs (online lesson: Apps of Newton's Laws)    

3.B.1.1 Predict the motion of an object subject to forces exerted by several objects using an application of Newton's second law in a variety of physical situations with acceleration in one dimension.

3.B.1.3 Re-express a free-body diagram representation into a mathematical representation and solve the mathematical representation for the acceleration of the object.
3.B.2.1 Create and use free-body diagrams to analyze physical situations to solve problems with motion qualitatively and quantitatively.

3.C.4.1 Make claims about various contact forces between objects based on the microscopic cause of those forces.
3.C.4.2 Explain contact forces (tension, friction, normal, buoyant, spring) as arising from interatomic electric forces and that they therefore have certain directions.
4.A.2.2 Evaluate using given data whether all the forces on a system or whether all the parts of a system have been identified.
4.A.3.1 Apply Newton's second law to systems to calculate the change in the center-of-mass velocity when an external force is exerted on the system.
4.A.3.2 Use visual or mathematical representations of the forces between objects in a system to predict whether or not there will be a change in the center-of-mass velocity of that system.

Read 6-1 to 6-2, MP (due Thursday)  
Tuesday, 29th  class time for MP     
Wednesday, 30th  LAB: Find µs of a brick on wood, and find k of a spring    DUE: partial & informal lab write-up  
Thursday, 1st 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 6-1 to 6-2 
Friday, 2nd

-L&D: Strings & ramps and circular motion

(online lesson: Uniform Circular Motion)  

  Read 6-3 to 6-5, MP (due Wednesday)  



21 - 25 September 2015


"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants."

-Isaac Newton



(click for Notes



(I can...

Monday, 21st 

L&D: So...what causes acceleration??

Online lessons: 1st Law,

 2nd Law3rd Law  

3.A.2.1 represent forces in diagrams or mathematically using appropriately labeled vectors with magnitude, direction, and units during the analysis of a situation.
3.A.3.1 Analyze a scenario and make claims (develop arguments, justify assertions) about the forces exerted on an object by other objects for different types of forces or components of forces.
3.A.3.2 Challenge a claim that an object can exert a force on itself.
3.A.3.3 Describe a force as an interaction between two objects and identify both objects for any force.
3.A.4.1 Construct explanations of physical situations involving the interaction of bodies using Newton's third law and the representation of action-reaction pairs of forces.
3.A.4.2 Use Newton's third law to make claims and predictions about the action-reaction pairs of forces when two objects interact.
3.A.4.3 Analyze situations involving interactions among several objects by using free-body diagrams that include the application of Newton's third law to identify forces. 
Read 5-1 to 5-7, MP (due Friday
Tuesday, 22nd 

Physics theatre (3rd Law)

FBD practice

class time for MP 

Wednesday, 23rd 

mini-Lab: field trip to the elevator

class time for MP 

Thursday, 24th 

mini-Lab: 3rd Law

class time for MP  

  DUE: FBD sheet  
Friday, 25th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 5-1 to 5-7, and FBD sheet



14 - 18 September


"I like physics. I think it is the best science out of all three of them, because generally it's more useful. You learn about speed and velocity and time, and that's all clever stuff."

-Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy)



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(I can...

Monday, 14th  LAB: Projectile motion (video analysis)  
  • analyze the effect of air resistance on projectile motion 
lab sheet (due Wednesday
Tuesday, 15th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 4-1 to 4-5 
Wednesday, 16th  Review for Test: Problem Solving, FR practice     DUE: Projectile motion lab sheet  

Thursday, 17th

(sub: no notes)

Review for Test: Vocab, Equations, MC practice      
Friday, 18th 

TEST: Chaps 2 & 4 (Kinematics)

-15 Multiple Choice (MC), 15 pts

-2 Free Response (FR), 20 pts 




7 - 11 September 2015


"You don't use science to show that you're right, you use science to become right."

-Randall Munroe



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(I can...

Monday, 7th  NO SCHOOL!     
Tuesday, 8th 

Qs on MP?

HW Quiz 

  DUE: MP 2-4 to 2-7 
Wednesday, 9th 

L&D: "How to win at Bowman"

(online lesson: Motion in 2D) 

  • Determine components of a vector along two specified, mutually perpendicular axes.
  • Write down expressions for the horizontal and vertical components of velocity and position as functions of time, and sketch or identify graphs of these components.
  • Use these expressions in analyzing the motion of a projectile that is projected with an arbitrary initial velocity.   
Read 4-1 to 4-5, MP (due Tuesday)  
Thursday, 10th  class time for MP     
Friday, 11th  Bowman Tournament    DUE: Bowman sheet 



31 August - 4 September 2015


"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."

-Albert Einstein



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(I can...

Monday, 31st 

-Qs on MP?

-HW Quiz  

  DUE: MP 2-1 to 2-3  
Tuesday, 1st  L&D: Intro to the EMUAs 

4.A.2.1 Make predictions about the motion of a system based on the fact that acceleration is equal to the change in velocity per unit time, and velocity is equal to the change in position per unit time.

4.A.2.3 Create mathematical models and analyze graphical relationships for acceleration, velocity, and position of the center of mass of a system and calculate properties of the motion of the center of mass of a system.  

Read 2-4 to 2-7, MP (due Monday)  
Wednesday, 2nd  LAB: EMUA verification
Thursday, 3rd  class time for MP     EMUA lab sheet (due at end of class
Friday, 4th  LAB: Estimating g (video analysis)    DUE: lab sheet 



24 - 28 August 2015


"In Science, there is only Physics, all the rest is stamp collecting."

-Ernest Rutherford (who, btw, won the 1908 Nobel Prize in Chemistry)




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(I can...

Monday, 24th 

L&D: Intro to AP Physics, syllabus and safety

CW: student survey (due today), check out physical textbook (bring your student ID)




-get safety contract signed (due Wednesday)

-get a scientific calculator w/ your name on it (due Wednesday)

-MP intro (due Wednesday midnight)

-Read 2-1 to 2-3, MP (due next Monday)

Tuesday, 25th 

L&D: "Are you moving right now? If so, to where and how fast?"

-CW: make a MasteringPhysics (MP) account: click here to begin

-online lesson: Motion in One Dimension

3.A.1.1 Express the motion of an object using narrative, mathematical, and graphical representations.
3.A.1.2 Design an experimental investigation of the motion of an object.
3.A.1.3 Analyze experimental data describing the motion of an object and express the results of the analysis using narrative, mathematical, and graphical representations.




Wednesday, 26th          

LAB: Intro to Motion Detector

  DUE: MP Intro, lab sheet, signed safety contract
Thursday, 27th  CW: class time for MP    
Friday, 28th  LAB: Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs (virtual   DUE: lab sheet, scientific calculator



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